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*Thanet District Council Free Theory of Change

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1Free*3 Hours


Increasing numbers of VCSE organisations are using Theories of Change and even more funders are asking to see them. But what is a theory of change, and why is it important? Learn why we use a theory of change, how to create one, and how to use one for strategy and evaluation. 

Who Should Attend?

This course is for anyone involved in running organisations, programmes, projects or campaigns who wants to better understand and articulate the work they do.  Attendees of this course are often responsible for internal monitoring and evaluation, strategy development, communications, or reporting on the value of their organisation’s work. Participants range from project managers to leaders of voluntary organisations and trustees.

What does this course cover?

  • Why we use Theory of Change
  • How to Create Theory of Change
  • How to use Theory of Change for Strategy
  • How to use Theory of Change for Evaluation

Course Dates

Book in House

We currently have no dates for this course but you can still register your interest by filling out the form below:

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